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Definitions from WordNet

Noun shoshoni has 1 sense
  1. Shoshone, Shoshoni - a member of the North American Indian people (related to the Aztecs) of the southwestern United States
    --1 is a kind of Indian, North American Indian, American Indian, Red Indian
    --1 has particulars: Comanche; Hopi; Paiute, Piute; Ute

Definitions from the Web

Term: Shoshoni


Shoshoni refers to a Native American tribe indigenous to the Great Basin region of North America. It also denotes the language spoken by the Shoshoni people.


Sense 1: As a noun, Shoshoni represents a member of the Shoshoni tribe.

Example sentence: The Shoshoni were skilled hunters and gatherers, relying on the abundant resources of the Great Basin.

Sense 2: As an adjective, Shoshoni describes something related to the Shoshoni people, culture, or language.

Example sentence: The Shoshoni language features complex verb morphology.

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