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Definitions from WordNet

Noun shmegegge has 1 sense
  1. shmegegge, schmegegge - (Yiddish) baloney; hot air; nonsense
    --1 is a kind of nonsense, bunk, nonsensicality, meaninglessness, hokum

Definitions from the Web

Term: Shmegegge


1. (noun) Slang term used to describe a foolish or insignificant person.

2. (noun) Yiddish term meaning nonsense, rubbish, or something of little value.

Example Sentences:

1. John always acts like a shmegegge at parties, making a fool out of himself.

2. The politician's speech was full of shmegegge, without any substance or relevant points.

3. She never takes me seriously; she just dismisses my ideas as shmegegge.

4. When asked about his opinion, the professor simply shrugged and said, "It's all shmegegge to me."

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