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Shinji refers to a given name of Japanese origin that is predominantly used as a first name. It is commonly associated with both males and females and holds cultural significance in Japan.


  1. As a proper noun (name):
    • Kazumi Shinji is a renowned Japanese architect.
    • Shinji is planning to visit his grandparents in Tokyo.
  2. As a common noun (local term):
    • In the Kansai region of Japan, "shinji" can refer to a traditional ritual or ceremony.
    • During the Shinji festival, locals parade through the streets carrying portable shrines.
  3. As a verb (local usage):
    • Some people believe that performing the shinji can purify the soul.
    • She will shinji at the temple next week to seek blessings.
  4. As an adjective (popular usage):
    • The Shinji style of painting is known for its bold use of colors.
    • His Shinji design won the award for best innovative product.

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