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shin splints


Definitions from WordNet

Noun shin splints has 1 sense
  1. shin splints - painful inflammation of the muscles around the shins; frequent among runners
    --1 is a kind of
    inflammation, redness, rubor

Definitions from the Web

Shin Splints


Shin Splints, medically known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS), refers to a painful condition characterized by inflammation, soreness, and tenderness along the shins. It commonly occurs in athletes or individuals engaged in activities that involve repetitive stress on the lower legs, such as running, jumping, or dancing.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1 - Medical Condition:

As a medical condition, shin splints primarily affect the shinbone (tibia) and surrounding tissues, often resulting from overuse or improper training techniques.

Example sentence:

After increasing her running distance suddenly, Jenny developed severe shin splints that required her to take a break from training.

Sense 2 - Popular Use:

In popular usage, shin splints can also refer to any pain felt in the front of the lower leg, regardless of the specific medical diagnosis. It is commonly used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to describe exercise-induced pain in the shin area.

Example sentence:

John experienced shin splints after participating in a rigorous basketball tournament over the weekend.

Sense 3 - Local Use:

In some local contexts, shin splints may have specific meanings or connotations associated with certain regions or communities.

Example sentence:

In the local running club, they affectionately referred to shin splints as "the jogger's curse."

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