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seventh avenue


Definitions from WordNet

Noun seventh avenue has 1 sense
  1. Seventh Avenue - an avenue in Manhattan that runs north and south
    --1 is a kind of
    avenue, boulevard
    --1 is a part of Manhattan

Definitions from the Web

Seventh Avenue


1. A major thoroughfare located in New York City, running north-south through the borough of Manhattan.

Sample sentence: The famous fashion designers showcase their latest collections on Seventh Avenue in New York.

Sample sentence: Strolling along Seventh Avenue, I couldn't help but admire the stunning architecture of the surrounding buildings.

Related products: Fashion Books


2. A shopping district located in Miami, Florida, known for its trendy boutiques and upscale stores.

Sample sentence: The fashion-conscious residents of Miami frequent Seventh Avenue to browse the latest fashion trends.

Sample sentence: I found the perfect dress for the party at a boutique on Seventh Avenue.

Related products: Fashion Trends

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