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set ablaze


Definitions from WordNet

Verb set ablaze has 1 sense
  1. set ablaze, set aflame, set on fire, set afire - set fire to; cause to start burning; "Lightening set fire to the forest"
    --1 is one way to burn, combust
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Set Ablaze


"Set ablaze" is a phrasal verb that means to intentionally ignite or cause something to catch fire.


As a Verb:

1. The arsonist set ablaze the abandoned building.

2. The protesters set ablaze several tires to create a blockade on the road.

3. She set ablaze the love letters after their breakup.

As an Adjective:

1. The set ablaze forest created a terrifying spectacle.

2. The firefighters quickly extinguished the set ablaze car.

3. The disaster movie showed scenes of set ablaze buildings and chaos.

As an Adverb:

1. The fireworks exploded, showering the night sky with sparks, setting it ablaze.

2. She danced gracefully on stage, setting ablaze a captivated audience.

3. The singer's performance set ablaze the atmosphere, leaving the crowd cheering for an encore.

Related Products:

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