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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective servo has 1 sense
  1. servomechanical, servo - of or involving servomechanisms
Noun servo has 1 sense
  1. servo, servomechanism, servosystem - control system that converts a small mechanical motion into one requiring much greater power; may include a negative feedback system
    --1 is a kind of control system

Definitions from the Web



A servo is a type of electromechanical device commonly used in electronics and engineering applications for precise control of movement.

Sample Sentence: The robotic arm was equipped with servos, enabling it to perform delicate tasks with great precision.


To servo means to control or operate using a servo mechanism.

Sample Sentence: The autopilot system servoed the aircraft's control surfaces to maintain a steady flight path.


The adjective servo describes something that is controlled or operated by a servo mechanism.

Sample Sentence: The engineer designed a servo-controlled mechanism to ensure accurate positioning of the camera during the photo shoot.

Related Products:

Check out these servo motors on Amazon.

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