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Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: Simple Past Tense of Separate

Separated is the past tense form of the verb 'separate,' which means to divide or split something into different parts.

Example Sentence: After the argument, Mark and Lisa separated and decided to live apart.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Divided or Disconnected

Separated can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is divided or disconnected from each other.

Example Sentence: The separated sections of the puzzle made it harder to solve.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense: In a Divided or Disconnected Manner

Separated can function as an adverb indicating that something is done in a divided or disconnected manner.

Example Sentence: The clothes were sorted and hung up separately in the closet.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: One who is No Longer Living with Their Spouse

In legal terms, separated can be used as a noun to refer to an individual who is no longer living with their spouse but is not legally divorced.

Example Sentence: After three years of being separated, they finally filed for divorce.

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