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Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition 1: Pertaining to or characteristic of the musical style known as semphonic, which combines elements of both symphonic and electronic music.

Example Sentence 1: The band's latest album showcases their innovative use of semphonic soundscapes.

Example Sentence 2: The conductor skillfully blended the symphony orchestra's instruments with electronic beats, creating a unique semphonic arrangement.

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Definition 2: Referring to or associated with Semphonic Corporation, a company specializing in web analytics and digital marketing optimization.

Example Sentence 1: The digital marketing team attended a seminar hosted by Semphonic to learn about advanced analytics techniques.

Example Sentence 2: The company hired a Semphonic consultant to optimize their online marketing campaigns for better conversion rates.

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Definition 3: (Local Usage) A slang term commonly used in a specific region to denote a cool or impressive person or thing.

Example Sentence 1: That new sports car is semphonic! I wish I could drive it.

Example Sentence 2: My friend's jacket is so semphonic, everyone compliments him on it.

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