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seigneur de bayard


Definitions from WordNet

Noun seigneur de bayard has 1 sense
  1. Bayard, Seigneur de Bayard, Chevalier de Bayard, Pierre Terrail, Pierre de Terrail - French soldier said to be fearless and chivalrous (1473-1524)
    --1 is a kind of soldier

Definitions from the Web

Seigneur de Bayard


Seigneur de Bayard refers to a noble title bestowed upon a person, typically a French knight, who was known for their honor, chivalry, and bravery.


As a Title:

In the 16th century, Pierre Terrail, a renowned French knight, earned the title Seigneur de Bayard due to his unwavering courage on the battlefield.

Referring to an Honorable Knight:

The Seigneur de Bayard never wavered in his loyalty to his king and fought valiantly in numerous battles.

Describing Chivalrous Behavior:

The knight's actions were truly seigneur de bayard, always putting the welfare of others before his own.

Referring to a Noble Leader:

The seigneur de bayard commanded his troops fearlessly, leading them to victory against all odds.

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