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Definition: Sectuplets refers to a group of seven offspring born from the same pregnancy, or produced at the same birth event.


Sense: A set of seven siblings born from the same pregnancy.

Example Sentence: The sectuplets made headlines as they were the first to survive childbirth in the small town.

Related Products: Sectuplets Baby Clothes, Sectuplets Stroller


Sense: Describing or relating to sectuplets.

Example Sentence: The Elwood family had a sectuplets reunion, celebrating the unique bonds between the seven siblings.

Related Products: Sectuplets T-Shirts, Sectuplets Hoodies


Sense: The act of giving birth to or producing sectuplets.

Example Sentence: Despite the risks, she was ecstatic to sectuplets and experience the joy of motherhood.

Related Products: Pregnancy Books, Baby Necessities

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