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second coming of


Definitions from the Web

Term: Second Coming Of


The term "Second Coming Of" refers to the prophesied return of Jesus Christ to Earth according to Christian scripture. It signifies the belief in his reappearance for final judgment and the establishment of his kingdom. Besides its religious context, the term can be used figuratively to describe a highly anticipated event, person, or thing that is expected to have a significant impact on society.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a fundamental belief in Christianity.
  2. Many Christians eagerly await the Second Coming of Jesus to fulfill biblical prophecies.
  3. The anticipation of the Second Coming of the Messiah is a source of hope and comfort for believers.
  4. After decades of absence from the music scene, the band's reunion concert was likened to the second coming of rock 'n' roll.
  5. The invention of personal computers was considered a second coming, revolutionizing the way people live and work.

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