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sea steps


Definitions from WordNet

Noun sea steps has 1 sense
  1. sea ladder, sea steps - (nautical) ladder to be lowered over a ship's side for coming aboard
    --1 is a kind of ladder
    --1 has particulars: accommodation ladder

Definitions from the Web

Sea Steps


Sea steps refers to a set of steps or stairs that provide access to a beach or the sea. It is commonly found in coastal areas and is typically designed to allow safe and convenient entry to the water.

Senses and Usages:


  1. A set of steps or stairs leading down to a beach or the sea.
  2. The process of descending or climbing the steps near the sea.
  3. A popular spot for various recreational activities at the beach.

Sample Sentences:

1. The sea steps were slippery due to the seaweed, so we walked carefully.
2. The children enjoyed running up and down the sea steps, playing by the water's edge.
3. She loved sitting on the sea steps, watching the waves crash onto the shore.
4. The sea steps were crowded with beachgoers eager to soak up the sun.

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