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school things


Definitions from the Web

School Things

Definition: School things refers to various objects, items, or supplies that are commonly used or associated with educational institutions. These can include everything from essential learning tools to personal accessories used by students and teachers in a school setting.

Examples and Usage:

  1. Noun - Classroom Supplies: School things encompass a wide range of classroom supplies such as textbooks, notebooks, pencils, pens, markers, erasers, rulers, calculators, and binders.
  2. Example sentence: The teacher asked the students to bring their school things, including their textbooks and pencils, to the next class.

  3. Noun - Backpack: A backpack is an essential school thing used by students to carry their books, notebooks, and other school supplies.
  4. Example sentence: Sarah's backpack was filled to the brim with her school things, making it quite heavy to carry.

  5. Noun - Lunchbox: A lunchbox is a school thing used to carry food and snacks for lunch during the school day.
  6. Example sentence: Jimmy was excited to show off his new superhero-themed lunchbox filled with his favorite school things to eat.

  7. Adjective - Necessary: School things are necessary to ensure effective learning and students' success in the classroom.
  8. Example sentence: Making a list of necessary school things before the start of the school year helps in organized preparation.

  9. Adjective - Fashionable: Many students want their school things to be fashionable, so they opt for stylish backpacks, trendy stationery, and chic accessories.
  10. Example sentence: Anna's school things were not only practical but also fashionable, making her the most stylish student in the class.

  11. Adjective - Local: Local school things refer to items specific to a particular school or region, often showcasing the pride and identity of the educational institution.
  12. Example sentence: The school's merchandise shop sold various local school things like t-shirts, hats, and keychains emblazoned with the school's logo.

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