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school phobia


Definitions from WordNet

Noun school phobia has 1 sense
  1. school phobia - a child's sudden fear of attending school
    --1 is a kind of
    social phobia

Definitions from the Web

School Phobia


School phobia, also known as school refusal or school avoidance, refers to an intense fear or anxiety towards attending school. It is a psychological condition often experienced by children and teenagers who may find it challenging to cope with the demands and social interactions associated with school settings.


Sense 1:

noun - An irrational fear or aversion towards attending school, usually experienced by children or teenagers.

Example: Sarah's school phobia became more severe after a bullying incident.

Sense 2:

noun - A psychological condition characterized by extreme anxiety or panic when thinking about or being at school.

Example: Tom's school phobia led to chronic absenteeism and academic difficulties.


School phobia can result from various underlying factors, such as:

  1. Separation anxiety from parents or caregivers
  2. Social anxiety or fear of judgment from peers
  3. Bullying or traumatic experiences at school
  4. Academic pressure or struggles
  5. Learning disorders or attention difficulties

If left untreated, school phobia can have detrimental effects on a child's education and overall well-being. It is crucial for parents, teachers, and mental health professionals to address the root causes and provide appropriate support.

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