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schizopetalon walkeri


Definitions from WordNet

Noun schizopetalon walkeri has 1 sense
  1. schizopetalon, Schizopetalon walkeri - a dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers
    --1 is a kind of flower
    --1 is a member of genus Schizopetalon

Definitions from the Web

Schizopetalon walkeri

Definition: Schizopetalon walkeri is a species of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native to the Andes of Ecuador and Peru. It is commonly known as the Walkers' umbrette and is known for its delicate white flowers with deeply divided petals.



  • The Schizopetalon walkeri is often found in moist, mountainous regions.
  • The Walkers' umbrette is highly sought after by collectors for its unique blooms.


  • The Schizopetalon walkeri flower is breathtakingly beautiful.
  • A local farmer proudly displayed a bouquet of freshly-picked Walkers' umbrette flowers.

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