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Definitions from WordNet

Verb scar has 1 sense
  1. scar, mark, pock, pit - mark with a scar; "The skin disease scarred his face permanently"
    --1 is one way to deface, disfigure, blemish
    Derived forms: noun scar2, noun scar1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Term: Scarring


Scarring refers to the formation of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin or underlying tissue after an injury or a wound has healed. It is a natural part of the body's healing process and can occur in various forms and locations.


1. Noun - Physical Imperfection:

Scarring can describe permanent marks, disfigurement, or blemishes on the skin resulting from burns, cuts, surgeries, acne, or diseases.

Example Sentence: His face bore the scarring of a tragic accident he had survived.

2. Verb - Leaving a Mark:

Scarring can also refer to the act of leaving behind a mark or permanent impression on something.

Example Sentence: The vandal's graffiti was scarring the walls of the old building.

3. Noun - Psychological Impact:

The term scarring can also be used metaphorically to describe emotional or psychological wounds resulting from traumatic experiences.

Example Sentence: The childhood trauma left deep scarring in her memory.


1. Popular Usage:

In popular usage, scarring often refers to the visible marks or scars left on the skin due to injuries, surgeries, or skin conditions.

Example Sentence: She used various creams and treatments to reduce the scarring caused by severe acne.

2. Local Usage:

In a local context, scarring may be used to describe the impact or imprint left by a significant event or incident within a specific community.

Example Sentence: The economic recession left deep scarring in the local job market.

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