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1. A freshwater fish of the perch family, native to North America, closely related to the walleye.

Sample Sentence: The sauger is known for its distinct dark spots along its sides.

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2. A tool used for removing loose ice from a road or sidewalk.

Sample Sentence: The city worker used a sauger to clear the icy pathway.

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3. A person from Ohio, particularly from the city of Cincinnati.

Sample Sentence: The sauger was proud to call herself a Cincinnatian.

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1. (Regional) Pertaining to or characteristic of the city or people from Cincinnati.

Sample Sentence: The sauger chili recipe is a local favorite in Cincinnati.

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2. (Regional) Popular or well-liked by the residents of a specific locality.

Sample Sentence: The sauger bakery is the most popular place to grab a donut in the neighborhood.

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