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adjective: relating to or having qualities of the planet Saturn; gloomy or sluggish in mood.

noun: a person who exhibits characteristics or temperament similar to the planet Saturn.


Sense: Relating to or having qualities of the planet Saturn

Example sentence 1: Her paintings often feature a saturine landscape with dark colors and striking contrasts.

Example sentence 2: The science fiction novel delves into a fascinating world with saturine creatures and unknown celestial phenomena.

Sense: Gloomy or sluggish in mood

Example sentence 1: After receiving the disappointing news, John's face became saturine, and he remained silent throughout the evening.

Example sentence 2: The rainy weather had cast a saturine atmosphere over the town, putting everyone in a somber state.

Sense: Noun - A person who exhibits characteristics or temperament similar to the planet Saturn

Example sentence 1: As a leader, he was often described as distant and stern, earning him the reputation of a saturine.

Example sentence 2: The senior professor was known as a notorious saturine who rarely smiled or engaged in casual conversations.

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