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sand filter


Definitions from the Web

Sand Filter


A sand filter is a device used for purifying water or other fluids by passing it through a bed of sand. It functions by trapping particles and impurities, allowing clean water to pass through. Sand filters are commonly used in swimming pools, wastewater treatment plants, and drinking water systems.



  1. A filtration device consisting of a tank filled with sand, used for removing impurities from water.
  2. A type of water treatment system that uses a sand filter for purifying water.


  • sand-filter: To pass water or other fluids through a bed of sand to remove impurities.
  • sand-filtered: Having undergone the process of filtration using a sand filter.

Sample Sentences

Noun - Sense 1: A sand filter is essential for maintaining clear and clean pool water.

Noun - Sense 2: The new drinking water system utilizes a highly efficient sand filter.

Verb - sand-filter: Don't forget to sand-filter the water before using it for irrigation.

Verb - sand-filtered: The sand-filtered water is safe for drinking.

Related Products

You may find the following products related to sand filters on Amazon:

  1. Sand Filter Pump
  2. Sand Filter Media
  3. Sand Filter System
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