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Definitions from WordNet

Noun salutatorian has 1 sense
  1. salutatorian, salutatory speaker - the graduating student with the second highest academic rank; delivers the opening address at graduation exercises
    --1 is a kind of scholar, scholarly person, student

Definitions from the Web


Noun (Popular Sense):

A salutatorian is the second-highest-ranking graduate in a class, based on academic achievements.

Example Sentences:

  1. The salutatorian of our graduating class gave an inspiring speech at the commencement ceremony.
  2. As the salutatorian, Sarah was honored for her outstanding academic performance throughout high school.

Related products: College Planners, Study Guides, Inspirational Books

Noun (Local Sense):

In certain countries or regions, a salutatorian can also refer to a student who delivers a welcoming speech at a graduation ceremony.

Example Sentences:

  1. The salutatorian addressed the gathering, extending a warm welcome to all attendees.
  2. As the salutatorian, Mark set the tone for the graduation ceremony with his heartfelt speech.

Related products: Public Speaking Books, Graduation Decorations, Microphones

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