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Definitions from WordNet

Noun saltworks has 1 sense
  1. saltworks - a plant where salt is produced commercially
    --1 is a kind of
    plant, works, industrial plant

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Sense 1:

A place where salt is produced by evaporating seawater or brine.

Sample Sentence:

The saltworks on the coast of Maine extract pure salt from the Atlantic Ocean.

Noun - Sense 2:

A facility or area where salt is stored or distributed.

Sample Sentence:

The company built a new saltworks to store the large quantities of salt for distribution.

Noun - Sense 3:

An operation involving the extraction of salt from underground mines.

Sample Sentence:

As a result of the new mining techniques, the saltworks reached record production levels this year.

Noun - Sense 4:

A territory or region where salt is produced or found in abundance.

Sample Sentence:

The Great Salt Lake is the largest saltworks in North America.

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