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Term: ruuner


A "ruuner" is a typographical error and misspelling of the word runner. It commonly occurs due to mistakes while typing or limited familiarity with the English language. The correct spelling is "runner"

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A runner refers to a person who runs, participates in races, or takes part in the sport of running.

Example Sentence: Emily is a dedicated runner, she trains every day for the upcoming marathon.

Related Products: Running Shoes, Running Accessories

Sense 2:

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: In the context of a machine or vehicle, a runner can refer to a component or part that moves over a surface, such as a roller, tread, or ski.

Example Sentence: The tank's runners were damaged during the battle, and it couldn't move efficiently.

Related Products: Treadmill Belt, Skis

Sense 3:

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: When used as a verb, to runner means to compete or participate in a race or running event.

Example Sentence: The team decided to runner in the relay race despite their earlier exhaustion.

Sense 4:

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: In computer programming, a runner can refer to a software or tool that executes code automatically.

Example Sentence: The script's runner flagged an error in line 32.

Related Products: Python Programming Books, Compiler Tools

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