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Definitions from WordNet

Noun runner-up has 1 sense
  1. runner-up, second best - the competitor who finishes second
    --1 is a kind of rival, challenger, competitor, competition, contender

Definitions from the Web


Noun: The participant or team that finishes in second place in a competition or contest.

Example sentence: The runner-up in the marathon received a silver medal.

Noun: The person or team that is next in line to replace the winner in case they are unable to fulfill their duties or obligations.

Example sentence: As the runner-up, she was awarded the opportunity to represent her country in the international competition.

Noun: A product, especially a book or movie, that is highly regarded but did not win an award.

Example sentence: Although it was a runner-up for the bestseller award, the novel gained widespread popularity among readers.

Adjective: Used to describe the participant or team that finishes in second place.

Example sentence: The runner-up team showed great determination and skill throughout the championship.

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