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rumble seat


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rumble seat has 1 sense
  1. rumble seat - a folding outside seat in the back of some early cars
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 is a part of roadster, runabout, two-seater

Definitions from the Web

Rumble Seat


A "rumble seat" refers to a seat traditionally located in the rear of a vehicle, typically an older model car or roadster, which is exposed to the open air. It gained popularity during the early 20th century, providing an additional seating option especially in compact vehicles.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun


  1. A seat in the rear of a vehicle, usually without a roof, that is exposed to the open air.


1. I felt the wind in my hair as my grandfather drove the vintage car with a rumble seat.

2. The couple enjoyed a romantic ride in the rumble seat, reveling in the freedom of the open road.

3. He stepped into the rumble seat, cherishing the nostalgia that came with riding in such a classic automobile.

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