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ruby-crowned wren


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ruby-crowned wren has 1 sense
  1. ruby-crowned kinglet, ruby-crowned wren, Regulus calendula - American kinglet with a notable song and in the male a red crown patch
    --1 is a kind of kinglet

Definitions from the Web

Term: Ruby-crowned Wren


A Ruby-crowned Wren is a small and colorful passerine bird belonging to the genus Thryothorus. It is known for its vibrant plumage and unique ruby-red crown that it can raise and lower depending on its mood or level of excitement. These wrens are often found in various habitats across North and Central America.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun - singular: Ruby-crowned Wren
  • Noun - plural: Ruby-crowned Wrens


  1. As a species of bird.


Popular Usage:

The Ruby-crowned Wren is admired by birdwatchers for its enchanting appearance and melodic songs.

Local Usage:

In some regions, the Ruby-crowned Wren is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Sample Sentences:

  1. I spotted a Ruby-crowned Wren perched on a branch, its bright red crown flashing in the sunlight.
  2. The Ruby-crowned Wrens were building a nest in the dense foliage, tirelessly chirping to one another.
  3. During our hike, we were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a family of Ruby-crowned Wrens as they played among the treetops.

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