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rubbing trunks


Definitions from the Web

Term: Rubbing Trunks


Rubbing trunks refers to the social behavior exhibited by elephants when they gently intertwine their trunks, often in a reciprocated and comforting manner. It serves as a way for elephants to greet, bond, and demonstrate affection towards one another.


Sense 1:

Noun: The act of elephants intertwining their trunks as a form of social interaction.

Example Sentence: Observing two elephants engaging in rubbing trunks was a heartwarming sight.

Sense 2:

Verb: To join trunks with another elephant in a gentle and affectionate manner.

Example Sentence: The two elephants greeted each other warmly, rubbing trunks as a sign of their close friendship.


Usage 1:

Rubbing trunks is a commonly seen behavior among elephants, especially during social interactions or reunions.

Example Sentence: The herd of elephants spent hours rubbing trunks, reaffirming their strong social bonds.

Usage 2:

In elephant communities, rubbing trunks functions as a means to relieve stress and provide comfort to each other.

Example Sentence: The young elephant sought solace by rubbing trunks with a more experienced member of the herd.

Usage 3:

Researchers believe that rubbing trunks plays a crucial role in maintaining social cohesion within elephant populations.

Example Sentence: Through rubbing trunks, elephants establish and reinforce their social hierarchy.

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