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roya suite


Definitions from the Web

Roya Suite


A luxurious and spacious accommodation in a hotel or resort.

Example Sentence:

The newlyweds booked the Roya Suite for their honeymoon, enjoying breathtaking views of the beach from their private balcony.


Referring to or characteristic of a royal suite or luxury accommodation.

Example Sentence:

The hotel offers various room types, but the Roya Suite is the most sought-after due to its lavish amenities.

Local Usage:

In certain regions, "Roya Suite" is used to describe a special room in a local guesthouse or inn.

Example Sentence:

If you're visiting the village, make sure to stay at the charming guesthouse which has a cozy Roya Suite adorned with traditional decor.

Related Products:

To enhance your stay in a Roya Suite, here are some related products available on Amazon:

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