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rough out


Definitions from WordNet

Verb rough out has 1 sense
  1. rough in, rough, rough out - prepare in preliminary or sketchy form
    --1 is one way to prepare
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Term: Rough Out


Verb: To create a preliminary or unfinished version of something, especially in a crude or basic form.

Noun: A preliminary or unfinished version of something.

Adjective: Unrefined or unfinished in appearance, texture, or form.

Adverb: In a rough or unfinished manner.



1. The sculptor roughed out a small clay model before working on the final sculpture.

2. She roughed out a plot outline for her novel before starting the actual writing.


1. The architect presented the rough out of the building design to the client for feedback.

2. The artist's sketchbook contained several rough outs of potential paintings.


1. The construction site had piles of rough out timber waiting to be used in the building.

2. The unfinished painting had a rough out appearance, with visible brushstrokes and sketchy outlines.


1. He roughly roughed out the design sketch in just a few minutes.

2. The writer quickly roughed out the key points of the article, leaving the fine details for later.

Related Products:

- Clay Modeling Tools on Amazon

- Plot Outline Templates on Amazon

- Architectural Models on Amazon

- Sketchbooks on Amazon

- Unfinished Paintings on Amazon

- Design Sketching Pens on Amazon

- Article Writing Guides on Amazon

The above description, examples, and related product links are generated using artificial intelligence and may not be 100% accurate.

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