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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective rootless has 1 sense
  1. rootless, vagabond - wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community; "led a vagabond life"; "a rootless wanderer"
    Antonym: settled (indirect, via unsettled)

Definitions from the Web

Term: Rootless

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Lacking or without roots

Usage: When describing a plant or tree that does not have roots and cannot obtain nutrients from the soil.

Example sentence: The exotic orchid was rootless, requiring frequent misting to survive.

Related products:

  1. Rootless Plants
  2. Hydroponic Gardening Systems

Sense 2: Lacking stability or a sense of belonging

Usage: When describing a person or community that feels disconnected or detached from a particular place or culture.

Example sentence: The nomadic tribes were known for their rootless lifestyle, constantly moving from one region to another.

Related products:

  1. Travel Guides
  2. Portable Homes

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