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Noun (Botany): A perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated for its fragrant gray-green leaves, which are used as a seasoning in cooking.

Sample sentence: The recipe calls for a pinch of romero to enhance the flavor of the dish.

Noun (Spanish): A surname of Spanish origin.

Sample sentence: Mr. Romero is a well-known Spanish painter.

Noun (Film): A last name belonging to the acclaimed director, George A. Romero, known as the father of the modern zombie film genre.

Sample sentence: "Night of the Living Dead" directed by Romero is considered a masterpiece in the horror genre.

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Note: The term "romero" can have different meanings and uses depending on the context, these are just a few examples.

romberg rome-based rome rome beauty rome s industries romentic romeo romer romero romie romilly romish rommany rommel rommer romnce romney-biden

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