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rocket engineer


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rocket engineer has 1 sense
  1. rocket engineer, rocket scientist - an engineer who builds and tests rockets
    --1 is a kind of engineer, applied scientist, technologist
    --1 has particulars:
     Braun, von Braun, Wernher von Braun, Wernher Magnus Maximilian von Braun

Definitions from the Web

Rocket Engineer


A rocket engineer is a highly skilled professional responsible for designing, developing, and testing rockets and propulsion systems.



  1. A person who specializes in the engineering of rockets and propulsion systems.


  1. She became a rocket engineer to fulfill her childhood dream of reaching space.
  2. After years of studying, he finally landed his dream job as a rocket engineer.
  3. Our company is looking to hire a talented rocket engineer to lead our space exploration projects.

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