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Term: Roadkill


Roadkill refers to the animals that are killed by vehicles on the road.

Common Uses:

The term "roadkill" is commonly used to describe the unfortunate instances where animals are hit and killed by vehicles, resulting in their carcasses being found on the road.

Senses and Usages:

  • Sense 1: Noun - The animals that are killed by vehicles on the road.
    • Example Sentence: The smell of roadkill filled the air as we drove past the accident site.
  • Sense 2: Adjective - Used to describe something mangled or destroyed beyond use or repair.
    • Example Sentence: After the tornado, the town was left in a state of roadkill, with buildings reduced to rubble.
  • Sense 3: Verb - The act of accidentally hitting an animal with a vehicle.
    • Example Sentence: I unfortunately roadkilled a rabbit while driving to work this morning.

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