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Definitions from WordNet

Noun rittenhouse has 1 sense
  1. Rittenhouse, David Rittenhouse - United States astronomer said to have built the first telescope made in America; also the first director of the United States Mint (1732-1796)
    --1 is a kind of astronomer, uranologist, stargazer

Definitions from the Web

  1. Noun (Proper)
    • A street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, famous for its historic buildings and landmarks.
    • Sample Sentence: The Liberty Bell is housed in the Liberty Bell Center on Rittenhouse Street.
  2. Noun
    • An American-made rye whiskey produced by the Rittenhouse Distillery.
    • Sample Sentence: I enjoy savoring a glass of Rittenhouse whiskey after a long day.
  3. Adjective
    • Referring to or relating to the neighborhood of Rittenhouse in Philadelphia.
    • Sample Sentence: The Rittenhouse Square area is known for its upscale shopping and dining options.

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