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rift valley


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rift valley has 1 sense
  1. rift valley - a valley with steep sides; formed by a rift in the earth's crust
    --1 is a kind of
    valley, vale
    --1 has particulars: Great Rift Valley

Definitions from the Web

Rift Valley


A rift valley is a linear depression on the Earth's surface that is formed by the pulling apart of tectonic plates, resulting in a long, narrow valley with steep walls.

Noun (Geology):

A geological formation resulting from the tectonic movement where two plates diverge, causing the land to sink and form deep valleys.

Example sentence: The Great Rift Valley in Africa is an example of a rift valley formed by the divergence of the African and Arabian tectonic plates.

Noun (Geography):

A geographical feature consisting of a series of rift valleys formed in a linear pattern.

Example sentence: The East African Rift Valley system contains several rift valleys, including the Jordan Rift Valley and the Red Sea Rift.

Noun (Local):

A local colloquial term for a nearby area known for its geographical or geological features resembling a rift valley.

Example sentence: The locals loved to visit the nearby "Greenfield Rift Valley" to explore the unique rock formations and enjoy the picturesque landscapes.

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