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ride out


Definitions from WordNet

Verb ride out has 1 sense
  1. last out, stay, ride out, outride - a trial of endurance; "ride out the storm"
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Ride Out


Definition: To endure or survive a difficult or challenging situation.

Example sentence: The small business was able to ride out the economic downturn by diversifying its product line.


Definition: To accompany someone on a journey, especially on a vehicle or horseback.

Example sentence: I'll ride out with you to the train station.

Phrasal Verb

Definition: To remain in a place during a storm or other dangerous situation until it is over.

Example sentence: The captain decided to ride out the storm rather than seeking shelter in a nearby port.

Phrasal Verb

Definition: To survive or outlast something, such as a trend, fashion, or relationship.

Example sentence: The classic design of the little black dress can ride out any fashion trend.

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