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Definitions from WordNet

Noun rhombohedron has 1 sense
  1. rhombohedron - a parallelepiped bounded by six similar faces (either rhombuses or parallelograms)
    --1 is a kind of
    parallelepiped, parallelopiped, parallelepipedon, parallelopipedon; hexahedron

Definitions from the Web



A rhombohedron is a geometric solid that has six faces in the shape of congruent rhombi. It is a special case of a parallelepiped.



  1. The crystal exhibited the unique shape of a rhombohedron.
  2. The mineralogy class studied the properties of various rhombohedrons.
  3. He carved a beautiful rhombohedron out of a block of marble.


  1. The rhombohedron crystal structure is commonly found in minerals.
  2. She cherished her necklace adorned with rhombohedron-shaped gemstones.
  3. The rhombohedron facets of the building reflected the sunlight beautifully.

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