Definitions from WordNet
Noun rhinoceros antiquitatis has 1 sense
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Definitions from the WebRhinoceros antiquitatisDescription:Rhinoceros antiquitatis, also known as the woolly rhinoceros, was a prehistoric species of rhinoceros that lived during the Ice Age. It was characterized by its long, shaggy fur and impressive horns. Senses and Usages:Noun:1. Prehistoric Rhinoceros:A large herbivorous mammal of the prehistoric era, belonging to the family Rhinocerotidae and characterized by its thick fur and two horns. Sample Sentence: The paleontologists discovered fossilized remains of the Rhinoceros antiquitatis in Siberia. Related Products:![]() Adjective:1. Ancient Rhinoceros:Referring to or relating to the prehistoric woolly rhinoceros, Rhinoceros antiquitatis. Sample Sentence: The museum displayed a detailed model of the Rhinoceros antiquitatis to educate visitors about ancient animals. Related Products:![]() | ||||
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