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rhine wine


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rhine wine has 1 sense
  1. Rhine wine, Rhenish, hock - any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany (`hock' is British usage)
    --1 is a kind of white wine
    --1 has particulars: Riesling; liebfraumilch

Definitions from the Web

Rhine Wine

Definition: Rhine wine refers to a crisp and light white wine that is produced from grapes cultivated in the Rhine region, primarily in Germany. It is typically made from Riesling or other aromatic grapes.

Example Sentences:

  1. I served a chilled glass of Rhine wine with our seafood dinner.
  2. The delightful aroma of the Rhine wine filled the room as soon as the bottle was opened.
  3. She prefers the sweetness of the Rhine wine over the dryness of red wines.

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