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Retenir is a French verb that can have multiple meanings depending on its context. It is primarily used to express the action of holding back or retaining something or someone. It can also mean to remember or memorize something, or to prevent someone from doing a particular action.

Sample Sentences:

As a transitive verb:

1. Pourriez-vous retenir cette information importante pour moi ?

(Translation: Could you retain/keep this important information for me?)

2. J'ai du mal à retenir tous les noms des fleurs dans ce jardin.

(Translation: I find it difficult to remember/memorize all the names of the flowers in this garden.)

3. Elle a réussi à retenir le chien en lui tenant fermement le collier.

(Translation: She managed to hold back the dog by firmly holding its collar.)

As a reflexive verb:

1. Je me retiens de pleurer chaque fois que je regarde ce film émouvant.

(Translation: I hold back from crying every time I watch this moving film.)

2. Il faut que je me retienne de manger tout le gâteau.

(Translation: I need to refrain/prevent myself from eating the whole cake.)

3. Les manifestants se sont retenus de commettre des actes de violence.

(Translation: The protesters refrained from committing acts of violence.)

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