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retained earnings


Definitions from the Web

Term: Retained Earnings


Retained earnings refer to the portion of a company's profit that is kept or retained for future use rather than being distributed to shareholders as dividends.


Sense 1: Business Finance

In the field of business finance, retained earnings represent accumulated profits that have not been distributed as dividends to shareholders.

Example sentence:

"The company's strong financial performance allowed them to accumulate significant retained earnings over the years."

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Sense 2: Accounting

In accounting, retained earnings are shown as a line item on the balance sheet and are considered a part of the equity of the company.

Example sentence:

"At the end of the fiscal year, the balance sheet revealed a substantial increase in retained earnings, indicating the company's profitability."

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Sense 3: Corporate Finance

From a corporate finance perspective, retained earnings can be reinvested back into the company for expansion, research and development, or debt reduction.

Example sentence:

"The decision to utilize retained earnings for a new marketing campaign led to increased brand recognition and higher sales."

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