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Definitions from WordNet

Verb resplend has 1 sense
  1. resplend - be resplendent or radiant; to shine brightly; "The Queen's garments resplended in velvet and jewels"
    --1 is one way to
    reflect, shine
    Derived forms: noun resplendency1, noun resplendence1
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s

Definitions from the Web



  1. The act of being resplendent; brilliance or radiance.

Sample Sentence:

The resplend of the sunset filled the sky with breathtaking colors.


  1. Shining brilliantly; full of splendor.

Sample Sentence:

The queen wore a resplend gown embroidered with gold threads.


  1. To make something or someone shine brilliantly; to adorn or decorate splendidly.
  2. (obsolete) To shine brilliantly oneself.

Sample Sentence:

The princess resplended the ballroom with sparkling chandeliers.

Sample Sentence (archaic):

The knight's armor resplended on the battlefield.


  1. In a resplendent manner; brilliantly.

Sample Sentence:

The fireworks lit up the night sky resplend.

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