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research rocket


Definitions from WordNet

Noun research rocket has 1 sense
  1. test rocket, research rocket, test instrument vehicle - a rocket fired for test purposes
    --1 is a kind of rocket
    --1 has particulars: sounding rocket

Definitions from the Web

Research Rocket


A research rocket is a type of vehicle designed and used for scientific exploration and experimentation in outer space or upper atmosphere. These rockets are specifically built to carry scientific instruments, data-gathering equipment, or experiments, allowing scientists to collect valuable information about various space-related phenomena.


Noun (Countable)

1. A research rocket is a specially designed spacecraft used by scientists for scientific investigations and experiments.

Example sentence: The research rocket was successfully launched, carrying crucial instruments to study the effects of zero gravity on plant growth.

Noun (Uncountable)

1. Research rocket refers to the field of scientific study, experiments, or investigations related to space exploration.

Example sentence: The field of research rocket has made significant advancements in our understanding of the universe.


1. To research-rocket means to conduct scientific studies, experiments, or investigations in outer space or upper atmosphere using a specialized spacecraft.

Example sentence: The team of scientists plans to research-rocket the mysterious black hole in the galaxy.

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