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research colloquium


Definitions from WordNet

Noun research colloquium has 1 sense
  1. research colloquium - a colloquium at which the results of (scientific) research are reported
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Research Colloquium


  1. An academic event where researchers present and discuss their work.
  2. A gathering of scholars, scientists, or professionals for the exchange of ideas and to present ongoing or completed research projects.

Example Sentences:

  • I attended a research colloquium yesterday where renowned scientists presented their groundbreaking findings.
  • The research colloquium provided a platform for interdisciplinary discussions and collaborations.
  • Participating in a research colloquium helps researchers stay updated with the latest developments in their field.
  • Attending a research colloquium is a great opportunity to receive valuable feedback on your research.

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