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republic of suriname

Noun republic of suriname has 1 sense
  1. Suriname, Republic of Suriname, Surinam, Dutch Guiana, Netherlands Guiana - a republic in northeastern South America on the Atlantic; achieved independence from the Netherlands in 1975
    --1 is a kind of South American country, South American nation
    --1 is a part of Guiana
    --1 is a member of Organization of American States, OAS
    --1 has parts: Paramaribo, capital of Suriname; Suriname River, Surinam River
republic of poland republic of san marino republic of senegal republic of seychelles republic of sierra leone republic of singapore republic of slovenia republic of south africa republic of suriname republic of tajikistan republic of the congo republic of the gambia republic of the marshall islands republic of the philippines republic of the sudan republic of trinidad and tobago republic of tunisia

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