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republic of djibouti

Noun republic of djibouti has 1 sense
  1. Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti, Afars and Issas - a country in northeastern Africa on the Somali peninsula; formerly under French control but became independent in 1997
    --1 is a kind of African country, African nation
    --1 is a part of Africa; Somali peninsula, Horn of Africa
    --1 is a member of Arab League
    --1 has parts: Djibouti, capital of Djibouti
    --1 has members: Djiboutian
republic of chile republic of china republic of colombia republic of costa rica republic of cote d ivoire republic of croatia republic of cuba republic of cyprus republic of djibouti republic of ecuador republic of el salvador republic of equitorial guinea republic of estonia republic of fiji republic of finland republic of ghana republic of guatemala

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