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Repetoire refers to a collection or range of things, such as songs, plays, skills, or techniques, that are known or performed by a person or group. It implies the variety and depth of knowledge or abilities possessed by someone or something.


1. A collection of plays, operas, or musical compositions that a performer, company, or group is prepared to perform.

Example sentence: She has an extensive repetoire of classical piano compositions.

Related products: Classical piano music, Music books


2. The entire stock of skills, techniques, or devices used in a particular field or occupation.

Example sentence: The chef's culinary repetoire includes dishes from various cuisines.

Related products: Culinary utensils, Cooking techniques book


3. A supply of items or materials available for use.

Example sentence: The store offers a wide repetoire of art supplies for every artist's needs.

Related products: Art supplies, Craft materials


4. Relating to or denoting local, popular, or easily accessible performances, events, or shows.

Example sentence: The theater organizes an annual repetoire festival showcasing local talent.

Related products: Local artist's works, Popular music albums

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