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Repercussions refer to the often unintended consequences or effects that result from a particular action, decision, or event. These effects can vary in nature, ranging from positive to negative, and can have significant implications for individuals, groups, or even larger systems.

Sense 1: Negative Consequences

Noun: In this sense, repercussions imply the negative outcomes or aftermath that arise as a direct result of a specific action or event. These consequences can be far-reaching and impactful, leading to various unfavorable outcomes.

Example Sentence: The company's decision to downsize had severe repercussions, resulting in widespread unemployment and economic instability in the region.

Sense 2: Ripple Effects

Noun: In a broader sense, repercussions can also refer to the ripple effects that emanate from an action or event, causing secondary or indirect consequences.

Example Sentence: The celebrity's controversial statement about immigration had repercussions across the entire entertainment industry, leading to a decline in trust and popularity of other public figures.

Sense 3: Influence or Impact

Noun: Repercussions can also denote the influence or impact of a particular action or event on a person, group, or situation.

Example Sentence: The novel's publication had profound repercussions on society, challenging traditional values and igniting social change.

Sense 4: Repeated Echoes

Noun: Repercussions can additionally imply a series of repeated echoes resulting from a sound bouncing off surfaces.

Example Sentence: The percussionist's skillful playing produced mesmerizing musical repercussions within the concert hall.

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