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Adjective remote has 5 senses
  1. distant, remote, removed - far distant in space; "distant lands"; "remote stars"; "a remote outpost of civilization"; "a hideaway far removed from towns and cities"
    Antonyms: near, close (indirect, via far)
  2. outside, remote - very unlikely; "an outside chance"; "a remote possibility"; "a remote contingency"
    Antonym: likely (indirect, via unlikely)
  3. distant, remote, removed - far distant in time; "distant events"; "the remote past or future"; "a civilization ten centuries removed from modern times"
    Antonyms: near, close (indirect, via far)
  4. backwoods, outback, remote - inaccessible and sparsely populated
    Antonym: accessible (indirect, via inaccessible)
  5. remote, removed - far apart in nature; "considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics"
    Antonym: close (indirect, via distant)
remote ancestors remote control remote memory remote station remote terminal remotejungles remotely remoteness remoter remotest remotion remotr remoulade sauce remould remount removable removable disk

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