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remingtom arms


Definitions from the Web

Remington Arms

Definition: Remington Arms Company, LLC is an American manufacturer of firearms and ammunition. It is one of the oldest and most iconic firearms manufacturers in the United States.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: Firearms Manufacturer

Noun: Remington Arms refers to the company that produces a wide range of firearms.

Example Sentence: I just purchased a Remington Arms rifle for hunting.

Related Products: Remington Rifles on Amazon

Sense 2: Ammunition Manufacturer

Noun: Remington Arms also produces a variety of ammunition for different calibers and firearms.

Example Sentence: Make sure you use Remington Arms ammunition for optimal performance.

Related Products: Remington Ammunition on Amazon

Sense 3: Firearm Model

Noun: Remington Arms can also refer to a specific model or series of firearms produced by Remington.

Example Sentence: The Remington Arms Model 700 is a popular choice among precision shooters.

Related Products: Remington Model 700 on Amazon

Sense 4: Local Reference

Noun: In some local communities, "Remington Arms" might refer to a local shooting range or gun store with a similar name.

Example Sentence: Let's head to Remington Arms to pick up some ammo before hitting the range.

Related Products: Shooting Range Accessories on Amazon

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